Dream big and work like hell

Let me tell you a story…

Bloom in Red

Bloom in Red


When I graduated from university I was 26, broke and exhausted. Within a year of finishing school I found myself living in the most expensive city in Canada, struggling under massive debt, unable to pay my bills despite working multiple jobs. 

I couldn’t see how I would ever be able to support myself. I couldn’t imagine ever making a dime from my art. The thought that someone would be willing to part with their hard earned dollars for something I made seemed utterly impossible.

The worst part of this was that I actually believed it was all my fault. I blamed myself for everything bad that happened around me, and judged myself for every mistake with relentless cruelty.


What I didn’t see then, that I realize now, was my own bravery, resilience and determination. Debt collectors were showing up at my door. My relationship was falling apart. I felt like I was trying to dig myself out of a deep hole and more sand and dirt just keeps sliding in all around.

Yet despite all this I managed to find a little studio space and keep making art, even if it was in little bits in between long shifts or late at night when the world was quiet. I released my first project, the bodacious botanicals colouring book in 2015 and sold out the first edition. I had my first solo show. I worked at an art gallery with some truly amazing people and learned the art of museum framing (spoiler alert, this turned out to be really handy later!)

Moth & Yarrow

Moth & Yarrow


If you had told me then that in 5 years I’d be running a successful small business, and that people all over the world would collect my prints and display them proudly in their homes... I wouldn’t have been able to imagine it. Not even close.

I couldn’t see it then. I was too busy being mean to myself and trying to live up to other peoples’ expectations to see what I was capable of. 

If I could go back and tell myself anything, knowing what I know now... 

In the studio, prepping paper for printing

In the studio, prepping paper for printing

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams


You are the creator of your own destiny. You can’t always choose what happens, but you can always choose how to respond. Take responsibility for yourself and set yourself free. Nobody can or will do this for you. Your relationship with you is the only one that lasts forever. What kind of relationship do you want that to be?

Watch your thoughts. Watch how you talk to yourself inside your head.

Would you talk to your friends like that? 

Monarch in Red

Monarch in Red


The only thing standing between you and your wildest dreams is you. Get out of your own way. Dream big and work like hell. Believe it will work, and back it with action, and I promise you it will.

It won’t look exactly like you thought it would, but I have a hunch it’ll be even better.

Keep going. No one can do exactly what you can do. Don’t hold back. Give us what you got. 

We need you.


All is full of love

Studio Update


A very limited edition of

🌹Bloom🌹 in red has just been added to the shop - I only made 10 of these and once they're gone, they're gone.

Valentine's day may be over but it's always a great idea to love yourself, 365 days a year baby.

That's why if you order online by February 21st, you'll receive a surprise handmade gift with your print -- because you're worthy of nice things that feel good ❤️


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here.


Ps. Exciting news coming soon… stay in the loop by subscribing to email updates here. You’ll also get 4 free phone wallpapers when you sign up.